As you know there is an unprecedented crisis with regards to Covid -19 worldwide. This virus can affect everyone, children too.
Because of Covid 19 all dental practices in the UK have closed. We can now only see serious dental emergencies. The same is happening in other countries too.
We do not know how long this situation will last; it may be months.
So now is the time when you must look after your childrens teeth and also reduce any potential spread of this virus.
- Take the governments advice and stay at home.
- Keep brushing and flossing twice a day to maintain good oral health. Brushbaby is a leader in dental childcare products and has fantastic guidance for child tooth care.
- Cut right back on any sweets and avoid a high sugar diet, e.g. cakes, biscuits, raisins.
- If you are brushing your childs teeth or using baby wipes wash your hands before and after.
- Do not reuse baby wipes, dispose of them in your bin.
- Change toothbrushes regularly (every 2 months) and especially if you or your child have had a cold or flu like symptoms
- You must never share toothbrushes and keep toothbrushes separate from other peoples, especially those that have symptoms or not in isolation.
- Children must not share toothpastes with adults or other children, especially those that have any symptoms or not in isolation.
- You must wash your hands and your childs thoroughly with soap and water after toothbrushing. Obey the 20 second rule. Wash hands regularly throughout the day. Avoid face, nose, mouth touching.
- Clean the sink and surrounding area after toothbrushing. Use a household cleaner. Wash your hands.
If we have had to cancel your appointment due to the Covid -19 virus we will be in touch with you as soon as we are allowed to resume treating patients.
If you have any queries or concerns please phone the practice and we will get in touch with you.
Stay Safe.
Isabelle Tillen FDS RCS
Specialist Oral Surgeon