After an initial consultation with your Dentist, during which x-rays may be taken, you will be advised of the treatment necessary, and the costs. You will be given some forms to fill in, one of which will be a medical history form. You sign this to give us permission to contact your G.P. if necessary, as some medical conditions can preclude the use of I.V. sedation. An appointment is booked for 1 hour and 45 minutes.
Fees for sedation
The fee for IV Sedation is £300 (please note treatment costs are not included in this fee)
You will need to arrange for someone to collect you after treatment
You must make arrangements for a responsible adult to collect you from the surgery on the day of the treatment. This person must stay with you for the rest of the day, as you are not legally liable until the effect of the drug has worn off, approximately six to eight hours.
What will happen on the day?
The nurse will accompany you into the surgery. She will sit with you and stay with you throughout the procedure. At no time will you be left alone in the surgery or without a female person present. When you are feeling ready, an injection in the arm enables the drug to take effect within a few minutes. A warm, pleasant feeling of relaxed detachment is produced, allowing the dentist to proceed without causing undue stress. A local anaesthetic (injection in mouth) is used as normal, but you will be unaware of any pain sensation at this point.
You will remain conscious throughout the procedure
Throughout the procedure you remain conscious but feel very drowsy and distant. We can still communicate with you, and you with us. The name of the drug is “Midazolam”. It has an amnesic effect; therefore you will only recall vague memories of your visit. You may want to sleep for the rest of the day.