Anti-wrinkle treatments

Antiwrinkle treatments are  most commonly used on the upper third of the face – areas include the forehead (horizontal and frown lines) and crows feet around the eyes. It can be used on other facial and body areas as well.

The treatment itself is very straight forward with relatively little or no down time. 

After treatment, you should start to see an improvement within 2 to 3 days, however the full effect can take up to 30 days.  The benefits of treatment usually last between 3 and 4 months, but can vary depending on your individual response.

Anti-wrinkle Pricing


Frown Lines

From £350

More complicated procedures


Lynn’s Story
You may be surprised to hear that Dentists can do facial fillers. Our Oral surgeon Isabelle has been trained in the art of beautifying us ladies. I must admit to being Isabelle’s first customer here at Dovecote. I’m assured that my frown lines (Gabellar) are testimony to many years spent squinting in the sun. However , I would prefer not to have two tram lines running between my eyes!
Isabelle took some before treatment ‘ photos and placed some white dots on my forehead to indicate where the injection should go.
I was very pleasantly surprised……no, not because my eyebrows had risen, but that I wasn’t “frozen” and could still register my disapproval albeit very slightly.
Dental surgeons are highly trained in the anatomy of the face and therefore understand the underlying muscle structures which cause our wrinkles.